Scripture Philippians 2:5

In this ever-changing world filled with challenges and uncertainties, there may be times when we find ourselves daydreaming. What things do you think about consciously and subconsciously?

When we find ourselves drifting off into thoughts and thinking things that are not pleasing to our LORD, we should run quickly to refresh our minds through the word of prayer and get back on track. We are to be ever mindful of the thoughts our Heavenly Father has toward us. The Psalmist wrote, “How precious are your thoughts toward me, oh God?" (Ps. 139:17).

Our Heavenly Father is always thinking of us. He never hides his thoughts from us. He keeps His word, and if we walk, work, watch, and wait according to His word, we should never stumble in the darkness of our own thoughts. God's Word is quick and powerful. When we keep His word in our hearts and minds, we have supernatural power to resist the enemy. Keeping His word makes our hearts glad. When our mind is on God’s word, we have peace, never stumbling in the darkness of our own thoughts. God’s word is quick and powerful. If we are sick, we can receive healing. We do not have to be consumed with the moment and the mundane challenges of this world; always bear in mind that this world is not our home.

We are just pilgrims passing through. My beloved, Let us keep these valued thoughts in our minds and keep our minds focused beyond the obstacles and obsessions of this life, holding fast to the profession and confession of our faith. As we crucified the old man (the flesh), be certain that we crucify our old thoughts as well.

Let us honestly examine ourselves. May the blessings of our Lord overtake you.

You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God” Your towns and your fields will be blessed. Your children and your crops will be blessed. The offspring of your herds and flocks will be blessed. Your fruit baskets and breadboards will be blessed. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed” (Deuteronomy 28:2-6). This is my prayer for you.

Pray for Pastors everywhere. Remember noontime prayer, we become one at "The Altar." Pray now for world peace. For we know not what tomorrow will bring.

 — Catherine Raphael


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